Wednesday, June 01, 2011

May 31, 2011 Eclipsed

Slug eclipsed

Before the fireball Genesis 1:2

King James Version: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was uopn the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Midrashic translation by Neil Douglas-Klotz

The storyteller continues:
Now particles--the Power of Limits--
didn't really exist yet n our reality
and were still only "things" in principle.
They were like the germ of a solution
within the shell of a surrounding problem,
the inkling of an answer
to the question of "What next?"
a kernel of purpose embedded in
a dream of the Universe's heart.
This "earthiness" of all the elements was still
unformed and waiting.

on the surface of the Primordial (yet unawakened) Womb,
that billowing edge of the abyss of existence
where phenomena, time and space had yet to appear,
a struggle raged:

A spark of cosmic desire wanted to
return to the Source immediately,
leaving behind the realm of constriction and contraction.
This self-involved fire forgot its purpose.
It set off the first violence of a being
that wants to be somewhere its not.
Its barren wanting strangled its own voice until

The breath of Universe Being touched
the face of Beloved Possibility.
Pure expansive power stirred the primordial soup.
The Being of Beings
inspired, animated and reminded Flow,
that same edge of possible phenomena,
of the expansive growth awaiting it.
One could say that Cosmic Breath
moved with pregnant possibility
into the deep and massive nether of Chaotic Dark--
awakening Womb for what?
An intimacy yet unknown.

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